Ducks of PRIDE: Rose Flora

PRIDE Month is here and we here at AfroDuck Studios (ADS) are proud and excited to have members of the LGBTQ+ Community as part of our team. We decided to ask our Pride Community Members of ADS some questions regarding their journeys and stories. We are excited to share these stories with you and hope you enjoy them.


Rose Flora


“Letting the fear disappear and escaping the pressures of what is considered to be outside the norm.”

Who are you?

“Rose A Flora, I'm from and live in Columbus, Ohio and I've lived here my whole life.”

What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?”

“I am a trans woman and I use female pronouns.”

What does Pride mean to you?

A moment to not feel fear for being something that is considered outside of the norm.

When did you first become familiar with being part of the LGBTQ+ Community?

“I became aware of the community when I was a freshman in high school through a GSA club. I learned about different identities and how people choose to represent themselves in the community. Later in college, I would become a member and then president of the pride club that was hosting meetings and small parties to make any and all who decided to join us feel welcome.”

What does the word “discrimination” mean to you?

“Being told that I cannot do something or cannot be something not because it breaks the rules but that it's not a social normality.”

Have you ever heard of a story about an LGBTQ+ person facing discrimination in your state, or have you personally been discriminated against for your sexual orientation or gender identity?

“When I was younger and first came out to people many of my friends initially told me that there was no way I could be transgender, that it was more wrong socially or went against God in a stronger fashion and that simply calling myself gay would be easier and more acceptable. I still occasionally run into discrimination due to my physical appearance but there is little I can do to change people’s perception.”


“Simply try things, find a comfort in experimentation, you may even surprise yourself.”

Can you briefly describe some of the LGBTQ+ people who are important to you in your life?

“Many people have accredited me with being an inspiration to them to come out publicly. I look up to these people simply because I know how hard a task it can be to do. Seeing them smile gives me hope for the next person to step out of the closet knowing that one day the world will welcome them with open arms.”

What do you do for work? And what are you involved with in your community?

“I am currently not employed but I am an active college student learning to design and make video games that are meant to be more inclusive of minorities.”

What advice would you give to someone who was struggling to understand their identity?

“Simply try things, find a comfort in experimentation, you may even surprise yourself.”

What advice would you give to an Ally to better serve and protect the LGTBQ+ Community?

“Don't pressure people but still ask questions. Not everyone is open to talking about their identity, sexual or otherwise, but the ones who are will do their best to educate you so you can help others. Be a welcoming face, really.”

Do you have a favorite fictional character who is part of the LGBTQ Community.

“Vivian from "Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door". She's a witchy trans woman with a couple of sisters that bully her relentlessly. She's a precious bean that needs protected.”