Ducks of PRIDE: Ellen Bartlett

PRIDE Month is here and we here at AfroDuck Studios (ADS) are proud and excited to have members of the LGBTQ+ Community as part of our team. We decided to ask our Pride Community Members of ADS some questions regarding their journeys and stories. We are excited to share these stories with you and hope you enjoy them.


Ellen Bartlett

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“I don’t need to feel alone because of my sexuality”

Who are you?

“Ellen (Ellie) Bartlett. I am from Dayton, Ohio and I currently live between Dayton and Columbus. I have been in Ohio my entire life. I grew up in Dayton and attend a university in Columbus.”

What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?

“Cis woman, she/her and they/them”.

What does Pride mean to you?

“I do not need to feel as alone because of my sexuality.”

When did you first become familiar with being part of the LGBTQ+ Community?

“I became familiar with being part of the LGBTQ+ community over the past two years. For a long time I struggled with my sexuality and coming to terms with it Once I did, I started to feel the comfort the LGBTQ+ community provides.”

What does the word “discrimination” mean to you?

“To me, discrimination means to be cruelly outcast and to receive unfair treatment by other people.”

Have you ever heard of a story about an LGBT person facing discrimination in your state, or have you personally been discriminated against for your sexual orientation or gender identity?

“I have been very fortunate to grow up in a very accepting environment. I never faced discrimination beyond cheap queer jokes and uncomfortable stares.”

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“ask questions and be by your friendly queer buddy's side!”

Can you briefly describe some of the LGBTQ+ people who are important to you in your life?

“I have a friend I met through work last summer. His sexuality and gender identity is not what is important to who he is, because he is just freaking awesome and so kind-hearted. I think a lot of people in the LGBTQ+ community tend to be more understanding and kind to others because of the difficulties they face due to their identity.”

What advice would you give to someone who was struggling to understand their identity?

“Take your time.  There is no rush to figure anything out yet!  I'm 22 now and have been working with myself since I was 12 to understand and accept who I am.  I'm happy to say I am at a place that I am comfortable with my identity, and even though it took a long time it was worth the wait.  I believe I would have been more troubled by all of it if I pushed to rush it all.”

What do you do for work? And what are you involved with in your community?

“I draw backgrounds and am very lucky to have my full attention on my university classes.”

What advice would you give to an Ally to better serve and protect the LGTBQ+ Community?

“Ask questions and be by your friendly queer buddy's side!”

Do you have a favorite fictional character who is part of the LGBTQ Community.

“Avatar Korra and Ellie! Avatar Korra just goes out there and kicks booty. Ellie is a cool gal slaying all those stupid zombies and slaying ladies' hearts.”